Conrad Johnson ET6 SE voorversterker met phono

113 x bekeken | geplaatst op 15 maart 2025

€ 5.499,-


Merk Conrad Johnson
Categorie Voorversterker
Conditie Als nieuw
Geplaatst op 15-03-2025


We kochten alle demo machine van de importeur. Ook deze Et6 SE voor versterker heeft heel weinig speeluren. Nieuwprijs was € 9.990,-. Nu beschikbaar voor € 5.499,-
Kan geluisterd worden in onze showroom in Uithoorn (op afspraak)

Important signal path capacitors are replaced by CJD’s own Teflon devices, and metal film resistors of super high tolerances replace the standard resistors on the PCB.

“The phono stage is a bit of a honey for an on-board design. Not only does it have provision for a wide range of cartridges, it’s extremely quiet in use, and deeply musically satisfying. It’s a lot more than simply an afterthought, and a separate phono preamplifier this good costs thousands in its own right”.

ET6SE Preamplifier Specifications

Gain: 25 db
Maximum output: 20 Vrms
Output impedance: 100 ohms
Distortion: less than .15% THD at 1.0 Vrms output
Frequency response: at unity gain 2 Hz to more than 100Khz
Hum and noise: 98 db below 2.5 v
Tube complement: 1 x 6922

ET6 Phono Stage

High Gain Version54dB
Low Gain Version40dB
RIAA Equalization:+/- .25 db 20Hz to 20kHz
Hum and Noise:-80dB relative to 10mV input
Phase: inverts phase of all inputs at main out
Tube Compliment:High Gain Version3x 12AX7
Low Gain Version 2x 12AX7, 1x 12AU7
Dimensions 16D x 19W x 3.75H inches
Total Weight 15 lbs.


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